

This week in Preschool for our Winter themed blog, we did experiments with snow! We spoke about what snow is and what we think would happen if we were to put it in warm water or cold water. The children made their guesses of which bucket they thought may be hotter or colder and which one would melt the ice faster, then felt the water for themselves. The children held the ice and were asked what it felt like, then helped to put the iced snow in the different temperature water. While we waited to see which water would melt the ice faster, we sang Christmas songs practising for our Christmas play! The children then stirred the bucket to see if there was anymore ice in each bucket, seeing that there was none in the warm bucket! So, we mixed the two buckets or red and white/blue water to make a purple/pink water!

We further extended this activity by getting more snow from outside and adding it to a tuft tray, we got test tubes, pippets, measuring cylinders filled with different coloured water and watched how the experiment furthered. The colours spread through the snow whilst slowly melting the concoction, They made potions out of snow and exhibited strong team building, communication skills and problem solving to fill the measuring jugs with the icy concoction. We enjoyed exploring the different colours of the rainbow spread through the activity. Well done preschoolers for your thorough engagement through this activity, as always you amaze us with your imaginations and quick learning.