Becoming Firefighters

Continuing from our “people who help us” topic the children enjoyed learning about firemen and how they help us. We started of making our own fire engine using cardboard boxes, the children painted the boxes using red paint, paintbrushes, toothbrushes and other resources. Once the paint had dried, we stuck the boxes together to make our fire engine. The children then made fire extinguishers using recycled bottles, we spoke about what fire extinguishers did and learned that there was many different fire extinguishers for different types of fire which we found pretty cool! Preschool then walked into the garden to find that there was a fire to be put out in the garden which had been made out of paint and shaving foam. They put on all their safety gear before they used their fire extinguishers to put the fire out, when we noticed the fire extinguishers wasn’t helping we used the hose to finally put the fire out!

Well done to our heroes in preschool for saving the nursery from the fire, you really are the bravest firefighters out there!