Humpty Dumpty had a GREAT fall

Humpty Dumpty had a GREAT fall 

This week we further explored our fantasy and fiction topic. We chose the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty and explored a variety of activities that centred around Humpty Dumpty and his “great fall”. We started off by watching the events of Humpty Dumpty and then putting the events in order using our hand eye co-ordination to drag the events where they need to be. Following this we had a tuft tray where we had different construction resources and plastic and hardboiled eggs. The children made their walls and put the eggs on the top, we added jelly baff and leaves to the tuft tray to see if it would soften his fall.  

We then did a food prep activity where we made our own egg shaped sandwiches, we used egg, cheese and cucumber. The preschoolers used their motor skills to butter their bread, cut their ingredients and prepare their sandwich, we then got an oval shape mould which we cut around to get the egg shape and then furthered our motor skills by cutting a crack mark into the sandwiches, the children thoroughly enjoyed this, especially eating them after.  

To end Humpty Dumpty’s eventful week we ventured into the garden to find different largescale resources that we could use to make humptys wall. The mission was to save Humpty when he fell so he didn’t crack. Preschool used their forward thinking to find soft objects, they said it needed to be soft so that there was a better chance of the hardboiled eggs not cracking. For the towers the children used the bridge, crates, wooden and foam blocks and to cushion the fall the children suggested sand, water, leaves and a cushion. After the experiment the children said that the leaves was the worst for helping Humpty and “the cushion was the best”. “The higher the tower, it means humpty might crack more” the children deduced! 

Preschool thoroughly enjoyed this weeks activities and had loads of good suggestions and forward thinking to help Humpty be safe from his inevitable fall. As always preschool we are incredibly proud of you for your great ideas and amazing focus!