Some people are worth melting for!

Some people are worth melting for!

This week to start our topic of winter, we all took part in an activity of building our own snowman out of bicarbonate of soda. We spoke about the textures of the bicarbonate and all agreed it felt very soft, just like snow! Preschool knew that to build a snowman we needed a carrot for the nose and stones for the snowman's buttons. We spoke about when it snows we can build a snowman however the snow will be very cold on our fingers, so we will need to wear gloves! Preschool also spoke about when it gets hot and sunny the snowman might melt away!

We then took turns to help create our snowman in the circles drawn on the tray, and using a scoop we scooped the bicarbonate and poured it onto the snowman to make its body. To melt our snowman without the sun, we used vinegar mixed with food colouring and used pipettes or syringes to promote our fine motor skills, whilst we squirted our snowman! We watched as the reaction happened and discussed the changes that were happening to our snowman, “look there’s bubbles!” one child said, “oh no! It’s melting!” another said.

Preschoolers had so much fun with this experiment and enjoyed making their snowman melt! Well done everyone for your thorough learning and participation!