Every child at Nursery has opportunities to explore, investigate and learn in our stimulating Garden Room. The room has an endless supply of natural resources for the children to use and explore with the activities on offer, new activities are set up daily. It is a stimulating and exciting room which enables the children to develop their investigatory skills on all levels and have fun at the same time. The room is also used for more focused activities. Our Garden Room is an additional room to the three named, age appropriate rooms and is multi-purpose. It is frequently used to work with children in a quiet space where children can concentrate with their Key Person and thrive from the one on one or small group support in tranquility. Grasshoppers, our Pre-Schoolers, enjoy learning their phonics and other Pre-School activities in this perfect space where the children can really concentrate and learn to their full potential.
The Nursery is very fortunate to have a small very stimulating garden for the children to enjoy on a daily basis. Although small, Inspectors are always impressed by the plethora of learning activities available to children supported by a wide range of resources. The Grasshoppers free-flow into the garden and garden room and further enhance their learning on activities at Nursery. The garden has an incredibly diverse selection of messy, creative and other learning experiences for the children with sensory learning at the core of planning. The design provides unlimited flexibility in setting up new and fascinating learning activities and physical co-ordination activities. The children’s views on what they would like in the garden is taken on board as our planning includes their ideas, which the staff bring to life!
Information, communication and technology is focused on throughout the age ranges at Queens Nursery. This helps to further enhance the children’s development and also teaches the children about internet safety. The nursery follows the NSPCC guidelines for internet safety, all tablets and computers are password protected, software is downloaded for the safety of the children and our E-safety policy is followed within Nursery. There is a computer for the children to take part in educational games as part of their curriculum as well as children’s tablets, children’s cameras and sensory electrical equipment. A large flat screen computer is a huge asset and is used in multiple ways to enhance learning. The children comment on how much fun they have when taking part in ICT activities!
The Ladybird Room cares for our youngest children at Queens Nursery. Most of the children have transitioned from our Baby Nursery. The room routine mirrors the Lion’s room at Queens Baby Nursery to ensure it is as smooth a transition for children to move from the Baby Nursery to Queens Nursery. Attachment and bonds are focused on to ensure the children are settled happily into Nursery and have firm bonds with their Key Worker so that they can make the most of, and enjoy their new environment. The room routine is a simple routine with clear structure for the children to get the most out of their day at Nursery. Focus key group times take place to ensure the children are meeting their next steps clearly. The Ladybirds Room benefits from its own nappy change area and having a small children’s bathroom with 2 appropriately sized toilets and basins. This is ideal for toilet training. Fun and engaging activities as well as quieter areas are on offer at all times for the children.
Children transition from the Ladybirds Room into the Butterflies Room. Team members in this room care for children aged about 3. The children benefit from a creative, sensory environment to explore their creativity on a large scale. Children have access to a very diverse range of imaginative and role play resources to support children to take on roles in their play and build relationships with their peers. The room is split into many areas different areas with a very wide range different creative and messy activities and learning experiences set out which are adapted on a daily basis to ensure that the children have fresh and interesting areas to explore every day. This supports and encourages learning in all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage, (EYFS). Large and small group activities are planned with supportive Key Workers on for children to learn to take turns, share and build relationships. Children really enjoy their circle times with their Key Workers in this room.
The Grasshoppers Room cares for our older children and supports them to meet the EYFS goals. This puts children in the best place possible for their transition to school. Our highly skilled Key Workers teach the children phonics, early reading skills, early science skills and about the world and nature. Children are introduced to the Oxford reading tree reading scheme that many schools use. Children can take home home learning bags for the big transition to school. Independence and autonomy is fostered in such things as the children self-serving meals and having access to a self-service snack area. ICT areas are set up for children to be able to learn more about ICT to prepare them for school. Touch screen computers, Ipads, LED writing boards and light boards provide a sensory learning experience. To ensure the transition to school is as enjoyable as possible the Nursery and the Key Workers work alongside parents to arrange school visits and teacher visits to the Nursery for the children to build relationships and become familiar with the environment before they start at big school.