Today the children took part in a Three little pigs Building work shop as part of our monthly topic materials.
The children listened to the story before they set to work.
The Ladybirds decided to build the first house of straw.
The children used glue spreaders to cover a large cardboard box, then worked together to apply the straw to make their house more stable.
The Butterflies decided to make the second house of sticks.
They chose to use three small cardboard boxes, one for each pig.
The children went out and collected the sticks locally then decorated the boxes using glue spreaders and sticks.
The Grasshoppers created the house of bricks.
The children used a variety of bricks made from various materials, including foam, wooden and real bricks.
They then spilt into smaller groups to plan and decide how to build their houses before construction began.
We then had a surprise visit from the Big Bad Wolfs sister Wendy the Good Wolf.
She wanted to see the children’s wonderful creations and spent some time visiting each room.
Wendy the Good Wolf then asked for the children’s help to blow the houses down.
The children had so much fun trying to blow down their houses and cannot wait for Wendys next visit.