The Grasshoppers started to look at planets as the children were showing a high interest in this.
They explored all of the planets and looked at the size and shape of them.
The children were able to name the planets and learnt some facts about the planet.
Caspian told us that people do not go to Mars, the Mars rover explores Mars.
Montague said that people only live on earth, they do not live on any other planet.
Skylar said that there is a small planet called the dwarf.
The children used ICT equipment to press buttons and learn about the planets.
They explored them on a projector.
Projecting them onto the wall and ceiling.
Then they were able to put the planets in order.
The children made their own planets using paper mache.
They used glue and paper to design their own planets and decorated them.
Exploring new ways of creating with materials.