The Butterflies used a variety of ingredients to make a cake mixture.
They used mathematical skill to weigh out ingredients.
Learning about weight and capacity.
They also used jugs and different sized containers to pour in the mixture.
Learning about shape, space and measures.
They mixed the ingredients together using gross motor skills.
Commenting on the change to the ingredients as it was mixed.
Changing from dry to wet and runny to thick.
Once the cake mixture was ready they took the cake outside to cook it on a campfire.
They talked about how it would cook.
Discussing the heat from the fire.
They talked about how to stay safe such as not touching the fire, standing back and the fire protection equipment.
Completing there own risk assessment to manage the risk themselves.
Ciara and Chelsea supported the children to build the fire using wood.
Children added pieces and stood back as it was lit.
Everyone noticed the heat and the cake was placed on top.
The children noticed the cake change as it started to cook.
It was very exciting.
Once the cake was cooked everyone tried a piece for tea!