This sets standards for learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years. Your child is unique, you already know that! We use the EYFS framework to consider every child’s unique qualities and next steps when planning learning, activities and day.
These areas are all interconnected and used to shape the educational and learning programmes at Nursery. Play is at the heart of the EYFS. The EYFS splits the areas of learning into ‘Prime’ and ‘Specific’ areas which children cover during their life at Nursery.
Younger children in our Baby and Toddler Rooms focus strongly on the three Prime Areas. These are the roots for later success. As children grow in confidence and ability, the balance will shift towards a more equal focus on prime and specific areas of learning. Prime Areas reflect key skills and capacities that all children need to develop and learn effectively, becoming confident and ready for the next stage. These are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity, enthusiasm for learning, for building capacity to learn. forming relationships to thrive. The Areas are:
Learning and development is enhanced through planned, purposeful play, mixing adult led and child initiated activities. Play is integral to children’s development, confidence, exploration, thought process development and relationships with others. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults. Children are taught in four Specific Areas, through which the three Prime Areas are strengthened, developed and applied. The Specific Areas are:
More information about the EYFS is here.