World Literacy Day
In preschool we did some super fun activities to promote world literacy day, we started off by finding the letters of our names in different materials using tongs and our fine motor skills to get them out, we enjoyed finding the letters and even tried finding the letters of our friend’s names.
We then made some story books, we chose the title and drew different pictures and wrote different letters in our book talking about the story we were writing, we enjoyed explaining the events of our story to friends and using our imagination to its fullest extent.
In toddlers we did some early mark making with tools such as pencils, pens and cutips to encourage the pincer grip. We also explored phonic letters using sandpaper letters to give us a sensory feel of what pattern the letters are. We also read a wide range of stories such as “The tiger who came to tea” “Elmer” “Owl Babies” which reading these props was using to encourage the learning experience. Last off all we practiced singing our phonic songs that we had learnt from robot reg.