World Book Day (2)

World Book Day!

This week, we celebrated world book day! The children in preschool all dressed up as their favourite characters from their favourite books. We started our celebrations by reading some of the books the children had bought in and had a little fashion show, so each child can show off their lovely costumes. The children also took part in different book related activities around the room. Preschool acted out “Whatever next” recreating each page using different props. They also enjoyed tuff trays relating to one of their favourite books, “Goldilocks and the three bears”. Preschool had a lovely world book day and enjoyed celebrating with each other.

For world book day the babies went on a visit to the local library, we had a lovely stroll in the spring sunshine, and we were very lucky to be able to join a story and song session with some of the lovely staff members at the library which the babies were very engaged with and thoroughly enjoyed the session. We then chose some books to bring back to nursery to continue to enjoy.

To celebrate world book day we did a variety of activities linked to our favourite books. Our first activity was linked to Goldilocks and the three bears. We listened to the story and role played feeding all of the bears their porridge. We explored mathematical skills through measuring, filling, pouring and mixing. We also made our own gingerbread people out of playdough using rollers and cutters. We also had a colourful Elmer tray where we used colourful rice to decorate our elephants to make them like Elmer. We fed the hungry caterpillar in our slimy spaghetti tray. Then to finish off our day we helped our animals who were stuck in boxes to link to our dear zoo book. It was a wonderful day celebrating our love of books and learning lots of new words and language through reading our own books from home. Well done everyone.