When life gives you lemons…

When life gives you lemons…

This week preschool made their very own lemonade! The children first had to identify all the different types of fruit. They were able to name lemons, limes and grapefruit. The children each took turns to squeeze the juice from the fruit using different types of lemon juicers. They used their fine motor skills to twist and squeeze the fruits. One of the children said, “It was very difficult to squeeze”. The children then added water and the juice into a water dispenser and mixed them together. The children also made their very own lemonade stand sign! The children then took turns to come to the lemonade stand and dispense some lemonade. Preschool enjoyed drinking it, with one child saying, “it’s so yummy!” Well done preschool, you did lovely turn taking and used lots of different skills to make your lemonade.