Tiger Day

Tiger Day

This week we kicked off with tiger day on Monday, where all the children learnt about tigers, their habits, their wildlife and many other facts like, a tiger can eat their food in 10 bites & 5 licks from a tiger can take your skin off. Chilling! We began watching a few clips on how tigers live and their surroundings, where the children then discovered another tiger colour other than orange and black, which was a white tiger found in different areas in the world. Next, to put their visual representation of a tiger in use, the children gathered and indulged in some mark making using common colours of orange, yellow, black, white and any other they felt would create their image. We then made some playdough which the children helped with taking turns, choosing colours of their choice as a group effort.

In toddler room to celebrate tiger day we learned all about tigers and their behaviors and habitat through watching a short clip on the touch and tilt table. Through this we learned that no tiger’s stripes are the same. This made us create our own 3 dimensional tigers using some boxes and collage materials. We chose our own stripes and stuck them where we wanted. After we created our tigers we played with them with the other wild animals.