The Tiger Who Came to Tea!

The Tiger Who Came to Tea!

This week preschool began our topic of fantasy and fiction. We explored the story of ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea, and preschool enjoyed a story session using the props to portray the characters in the story. The children thoroughly enjoyed listening and role playing the story and taking on the role of the very hungry tiger.

Preschool began making a display for the story, creating the tiger using tissue paper, card and cotton wool to create the 3D effect of the fur. We then spoke about important scenes in the story such as the tiger drinking all of the water in the tap, and ‘sophie and her mummy’ buying a big can of tiger food in case the tiger was to come again. We then made a tap for the display, and using our fine motor skills we ripped the foil into tiny pieces and stuck them onto the tap. We created our tiger food by using squares of blue paper and tin foil. The children enjoyed the crafting sessions making our resources for the display. We even used our writing skills to create the title and key words to place around the display too.

To extend on their crafting session preschool enjoyed exploring a tuff tray based on the story.

Preschool worked so hard at creating their own resources for their display and we are so proud of them! Well done preschool!