Texture painting

The Colour Monster

This week in relation to our topic ‘All About Me’ we dived into learning all about our emotions. We enjoyed a story session of the book ‘The Colour Monster’ and learnt about how the monsters feelings were all mixed up. As a group we spoke about the different emotions ‘happy, sad, angry, afraid and calm’ and identified some things or situations which could make us feel these types of emotions. We then expressed some of the things that could make us feel happy or sad. Some of the children said ‘I feel happy when mummy gives me cuddles’ another said ‘If someone isn’t sharing it makes me sad’.

For our activity we carried out a large scale painting, of making our own colour monster for our display using spaghetti and paint. We used our gross motor skills to throw the spaghetti onto our paper which created lots of different effects and colour combinations to showcase the different emotions the colour monster was feeling. During the activity the children were showing off their own emotions, whilst choosing which colour spaghetti to throw as the individual colours represented each emotion for example, red- angry, yellow-happy and blue-sad.

Finally our last step for our display was to write out the emotions and the title using our literacy skills. We used our fine motor skills to hold the pens in pincer grasp and showed off each emotion we were writing. Well done preschool!