Texture Exploration

This week in the toddler room we continued our extension of sensory experiences within the room by focusing on texture. To do this we explored a variety of trays with different textures in them. Our first tray had some cornflour and herbs and we added some arctic animals. We were able to make foot prints with our animals while exploring the soft texture. Our next tray had ground tea and herbs in it which highlighted different smells and let us explore a grainy texture. With this tray we added some farm animals and enjoyed pretending to make them eat the herbs. Next we explored crushed cereal that was a rough sandy texture. We really enjoyed sprinkling and pouring this using our hands and fingers. We then explored two types of soft squishy trays one with jelly baff and edible jelly. We really enjoyed this texture the most as we were able to scoop it up and liked how it felt when we squashed it in our hands. Lovely exploring toddlers Well done!