Space Week (1)

For space week, preschool learnt all about the moon landing, the planets and space. We learnt that there is no gravity and how everything floats in space. We explored a tuft tray to explore space, with moon sand, stars, space rockets and aliens. We placed the tuft tray under the table and placed a black blanket over the table to create a dark atmosphere, just like space! We used torches and light reflection torches to add to the ambience of space, and we enjoyed searching for the 5 little aliens in their flying saucers and exploring the texture of the moon sand, creating our very own moon rocks! Preschool all took turns to explore the tuft tray and enjoyed signing the 5 little aliens in their flying saucers song, once they had found them. Well done preschool!

In the toddler room we went on a trip to the moon. We looked at a short clip of the moon landing we loved looking at the craters and rocks on the moon. We then explored our own space themed tray. We sent our play people on a rocket trip to the moon. As we did this we enjoyed singing “Zoom, Zoom.” And making our rockets “Blast off!”