Shark Day

Shark Day

Today is also shark day so we began indulging in variety of information that would inform us about. This morning, we began by reading a factual textbook that held a lot of facts and statistics on sharks and the other sea animals amongst them in the ocean. The children learned that there are around 400 different types of sharks, different sizes and looks, with some like the whale shark being harmless to humans even though it’s the biggest fish in the ocean. We investigated their unique features like fins on their back, thousands of sharp teeth including extra rows of teeth and jaws compared to us humans.

To put this into practice, the children split into groups to paint their own shark fins either blue or grey, made from cardboard and attached to a band for them to then wear themselves and role play with. As an extension, we created our own space of ocean in the room, using materials like a blue sheet, cardboard box, shark fins and more to represent different things related to sharks and ocean.

This week the toddlers learned all about sharks. We watched a short clip of some different sharks swimming in the sea while dancing and singing along to our favourite song “Baby Shark”. We then rescued some sharks that were trapped in our tuft tray. We untangled them from nets and rescued them from bottles and pots. This was a great way for us to explore our motor skills and learn about recycling and taking care of the ocean while having fun with sharks. Well done toddlers!

To celebrate shark day the babies took a trip to the deep blue sea where they found lots of sharks hiding amongst the sea animals. The babies were encouraged to scoop out the sea animals and sharks using their fishing nets but their favourite thing about the activity was making huge waves.