Science Experiments
This week in the toddler room we explored and extended our interest in filling and pouring by completing some science experiments. These experiments were able to help us maintain focus while promoting our motor skills and hand eye coordination. We were also able to explore the cause and effects that water and other liquids can have on different materials. For our first experiment we scooped some baking powder into different containers and then used pipettes to add drops of vinegar that we coloured, onto the powder. This made the powder fizz and bubble which was very exciting. We really enjoyed testing the effect different amounts of vinegar added would cause. We loved creating lots of bubbles and fizz and mixing the colours of the vinegar to see what happened. As we loved mixing the colours and exploring the different colours of vinegar we extended this by doing another experiment to make a rainbow. We sorted skittles into a circle on a plate then used small jugs to pour water into the middle of the circle. We then watched carefully to see what would happen next. This experiment needed us to have a little patience and focus on the plate as the colours slowly come together to make a rainbow. We were then able to count how many colours we can see in our rainbows. Through these experiments we were able to work on our mathematical thinking through incorporating amount, depth and colour to our experiments. Well done toddlers!