Preschool Surprise


This week in preschool, we noticed in our garden that there were plums growing on one of our trees! The children took turns to pick the plums off the tree and noticed that they were different colours. One child said, “look these plums are green and these ones are red” After picking all the plums off the tree, we discussed as a group why some of them were red and why some of them were green. The children learned that the green ones were unripe plums and that meant it wasn’t ready for them to eat. Preschool also noticed some other differences between the two plums, saying the unripe ones are firmer and the inside is also a different colour. The children then had a little taste of the plums and said they were sweet! To further extend our exploration of plums the children made plum crumble for their pudding! They used their fine motor skills to chop the plums and add them to the dish. They also made the crumble topping! Preschool loved baking the crumble but loved eating it even more! They said it was delicious. Amazing work Preschool!