Preschool’s Short Stories!
This week in preschool, we focused on storytelling in celebration of world book day! The children were split into different groups, they were given a theme and different building materials. One group had fairies, another had animals and the final group had play people. The materials they used were wooden blocks, magnetic tiles and Lego to build their small worlds. The children used their imagination and story telling skills to create buildings, vehicles and even tunnels. The children said “our boat is so strong” and “this is for the fairies!” One told the story of the different animals in the zoo. They said “giraffes have long necks and the animals can go into the treehouse we made to see them!”
To further extend on their story telling, the children wrote their own short stories book using the pictures from their role playing. The children used their fine motor skills to write about what was going on in the pictures. They then created the front cover of their books and drew a lovely picture about what stories were inside.