Preschool’s Poets
This week preschool have been learning all about poems and what they are. We learnt that some poems rhyme and some poems may not. Playing with sounds and rhyming patterns in words, supports the development of the vocal apparatus in the mouth, pharynx and nose, helping speech and language development. It also introduces early literacy skills, which support the children throughout their communication development.
The older pre-schoolers took part in a competition with ‘Young Writers’, who provide a pack with poems with blank spaces for the children to fill in with their own answers. During this activity, the children were offered the chance to speak in small groups, and think about their individual answers, and then the adults supported the children to write down their answers onto the paper, either using visuals or using the ‘follow the dot method’ where they were then able to trace the letters, with their fine motor and early mark making skills.
For the younger children we adapted this activity, and as a group we completed an acrostic poem. In an acrostic poem, the first letter of each line spells a word. We began by the children as a group choosing a sea animal, which their choice was ‘Octopus’. They then had to think of different words beginning with each letter of the word octopus. This offered the children time to listen to the sounds of the letters, remember their phonetic sounds they learn in Robot Reg, and think of something they knew beginning with the same letter sound.
We are very proud of our pre-schoolers for all of their hard work and dedication to this
competition and we hope we win! Well done everyone and fingers crossed!!