Penguin Awareness Day

Penguin Awareness Day 

To celebrate penguin awareness day the toddlers went on an expedition in the sensory room to search for different types of penguins. During our arctic adventure we were able to explore the different sizes of different species of penguin. Some are tall and some are really small. We enjoyed role playing with the different penguins creating our own habitats using different materials.

This week in preschool, we learned all about penguins! The children first watched a documentary explaining the lifestyle of penguins, revealing their cold habitats and what surrounds them. The children learned that penguins love to eat fish, shrimp, squid and many more. They observed different features of a penguin like ‘webbed feet’ which is called ‘flippers’, that help them propel through the water. Preschool compared penguins to different sea animals and were intrigued to find facts about them.