Patchwork Elephants

Patchwork Elephants 


This week in the toddler room we focused on Elmer the patchwork elephant.  We read and listened to a variety of stories which led us into different adventures and situations with Elmer. Throughout the stories we were able to discuss the colours we could see, predict what would happen and relate the adventures to our own adventures. This was a lovely way for us to promote confidence during circle time and increase our language and communication skills.   We then used a variety of materials to create our own patchwork elephants like Elmer.  We used water based paint where we could examine the different effects the colours had on the paper. Our next activity we used edible paint made from yoghurt and food colouring. We were able to explore the texture of this paint and use our senses to explore and create. For our last activity we used some old pieces of colourful fabric and glued them onto paper to create our patchworks. Throughout these activities we were able to create and use our own ideas while testing out different materials we could use and examining the results. Great job toddlers your patchwork elephants look wonderful!