Mini Einstein’s

Mini Einstein’s

This week in preschool we became little Einstein’s and learned about static electricity and all about the role of electricians. We first looked at the role of electricians by researching on the touch and tilt and found a little video to help us get a better understanding of the role of electricians. Preschool then extended the role by doing different experiments. The children used balloons, paper and bubbles to create static. They took turns to rub the balloon on their heads and were amazed when they saw their friend’s hair stick up! One of the children said, “Look their hair is flying!” They also used static to move bubbles and make paper fly! One of the teachers also showed the children that the balloon can stick on the wall!

To further extend, the children made their own circuits using a child’s circuit kit. They took it in turns follow the instructions and was able to make the lightbulb light up! One of the children saw an instruction for a police siren and wanted to try creating that circuit. The children worked together and was able to make the siren sound! During our research the children learned that you could also make a circuit using playdough. Preschool did an experiment using the playdough and made predictions whether it would work or not. Once we tested the circuit we found that it didn’t work. The children loved learning all about static electricity and circuits and were very engaged in the activities!