Material Printing

Material Printing

This week in toddler room we explored the materials topic by linking it to our interest in mark making and being creative. To do this we explored making marks with paint using a variety of materials. For our first activity we explored a large floor mark making with lots of different materials. We dipped tea bags in paint and enjoyed dabbing it on the paper. It made some interesting marks and shapes. We then used some cut up lemons that we also dipped in paint and enjoyed looking at the different patterns we could make. We then made tracks and marks using vehicles, we were able to use big movements to create long lines and arches. For our final material we dipped herbs into paint and used them like brushes to create patterns and pictures. We enjoyed mixing the materials and creating our own beautiful pieces of art. To extend this further we painting with types of brushes and sponges to create patterns. These activities were a lovely way to explore different uses of materials and how we can explore them. We also were able to build on our motor skills with large painting movements and actions with the different materials. Everyone was very proud of their creations and had a lovely time working together. Well done toddlers!