Light and Dark
This week in the baby rooms the babies continued their light and dark exploration. To begin with we explored black and white resources and materials on our large floor mat. The visual contrast encourages babies to explore the different patterns and textures offered, giving a multi-sensory experience to young explorers. Strong black and white patterns also help babies to develop their ability to focus their attention and levels of concentration. To continue this theme we then went into the sensory room and explored a variety of light up resources taking in the full effect of our noise strip mirror tunnel lights, and our changing colour table in the dark. We explored colour, shape and how our hands and materials can make changes and effect the light around us. We enjoyed tilting the 3D cubes to change its colour, exploring pretend light up candles and using the torches in the tent to light up the area inside. We spoke about all the colours we could see and teaching the difference between what's light and dark.