Holi Festival (1)

Holi Festival
On Tuesday the toddlers have enjoyed learning about the Hindu festival Holi. The children enjoyed looking at the story at circle time and enjoyed holding the different props. The children then went on to be creative and create their own colourful pictures. The children used their fine motor skills to spread the glue on the paper and then enjoyed selecting different colours and sprinkling onto their paper to create a lovely colourful picture. To celebrate Holi in the baby room we explored colour. We used coloured rice and flour to make patterns in our tray. We pinched and grabbed handfuls of the rice and dropped it onto the tray enhancing our fine motor skills.

Preschool enjoyed celebrating and learning about the festival of Holi. We enjoyed using the touch and tilt to research all about the festival and watch some short clips about the festival of colours. Preschool then had their own take on making a beautiful masterpiece, using a white sheet and paint. We watched our teachers demonstrate how we can flick the paint onto the sheet and then we all worked together to make our beautiful art piece.