Hello Spring!
This week in preschool we had the chance to discover and learn all about the life cycle of plants. We began by exploring the stages that the seeds go through and learning the different names of these processes, such as “germination” and “photosynthesis”.
To help visualise these stages, the children were then shown using our tablets a life-cycle of a seed, then the children had to re-create their own drawings on the whiteboard, using their fine motor skills.
We then took it to the next step and went into the garden to plant our seeds. The children had options of which seeds they would like to plant, from sunflowers, lavender and forget me not flowers. They each took a pot and listened carefully to the instructions on how to plant their chosen seeds.
The children added soil to their pot, and then with the help from an adult, added their seeds and finally gave them a good water. During the process of planting our seeds we spoke about what plants need to grow with some children commenting that plants need sunshine and water and soil!
We can’t wait for our seeds to begin growing and hopefully we can update you with the process soon! Well done preschool!