Fun in the sun

Fun in the sun!

The children enjoyed a lot of quality time in the sun, and have really loved their garden time this week, so we decided to do lots of different summer activities. We got the paddling pool out and spray bottles to help cool ourselves down in the garden. The children really enjoyed have a splash in the water! The children also made their own slushies, using frozen orange juice and frozen apple and blackcurrant juice. The children took it in turns to crush the ices using the rolling pin and the blender. They then got to choose which flavour they would like or if they would like to mix the different flavours! Preschool really enjoyed their slushies saying it was delicious and refreshing! The children also had some ice poles in the garden this week as a special treat!

To further extend the activities the children did a little science experiment! They had created little sandcastles and other animals using bicarbonate of soda, washing up liquid and water. They then mixed some vinegar and food colouring to “melt” the sandcastles! The children loved he experiment; they also had a guess at whether they thought it would melt or not. Most of them said it would! They really enjoyed adding the vinegar and watching all the bubbles it created.

Fantastic work Preschool!