Fine Motor Workout

Fine Motor Workout

This week in the toddler room we focused on developing our fine motor skills. Our fine motor skills are the movements we make using the small muscles in our hands and wrists. The development of our fine motor skills is important for tasks like writing and drawing and completing some construction tasks. To help us we did a variety of activities that focused on our fine motor development. Our first activity was using scissors, we used teaching scissors to help us learn how to grasp and hold them and normal scissors. We made small cuts in paper and even started to make shapes. It took some practice but we all really enjoyed making our snips and were really proud of our achievement. For our second activity we also were able to develop our hand eye coordination. We threaded some cheerios through some spaghetti. We all worked really hard on this activity and really enjoyed counting how many cheerios we could fit onto our spaghetti. For our final activity we went into the sensory room and used the activity board where we turned knobs and pulled levers. These were fun ways to extend and develop our skills. Great job toddlers!