FALLing in love with autumn

FALLing in love with autumn

This week in preschool, we explored the new season “Autumn”. As we transition from summer into autumn, the children have noticed some differences in the weather and the environment. The children talked about autumn in their circle time groups and said things such as “the leaves turn brown”, “leaves fall off the trees” and “it’s cold and raining”. To extend on their conversations, we created some autumn leaf painting! The children added autumn coloured paint, such as brown, red, orange and yellow and then we took it in turns to dip our hands in to create leaf shapes, by stretching out their fingers before stamping it on the paper. Preschool also did some apple painting! The children said the shapes looked like “pumpkins” which we also see more of in autumn.

Throughout the week, the children had also collected some conkers and brought them into show their friends. We used these conkers and other autumn items such as leaves and added these to a light box. The children made orange scented salt and added it to the lightbox too. We really enjoyed exploring autumn through the lightbox and was very excited to create lots of different shapes and letters with their fingers using their fine motor skills.

To extend on our topic of autumn, we collected some leaves from the garden and practiced our fine motor skills to cut pieces off the leaves to use for our art work. The children cut the leaves into tiny pieces and used glue spreaders to make their beautiful art collages.

Well done preschool for your extensive learning this week!