Exploring different cultures

Exploring different cultures

This week in toddler room we went on a trip around the world. We learned about different experiences and things we can see at different parts of the world. Our first trip was to Italy.

We watched a short clip of children and adults stomping grapes to make grape juice. We then tried this out using a tuft tray and some grapes. It was a really fun way to explore texture as we squashed the grapes. It became very slippery so we looked for new ways to explore mashing the grapes to make juice. We used pestle and mortar to squash the grapes and did some mixing with spoons. Our next country we explored was Israel. We baked some Hamantaschen, we first looked at our recipe and talked about how Hamantaschen is usually made during the Jewish festival Purim.

We used puff pastry and jam to create ours. We really enjoyed exploring our fine motor skills throughout this activity from using utensils to scoop them jam, to brush the pastry with egg wash and fold the pastry into our triangular shapes.

These were a lovely addition to our afternoon tea pudding which we all took pride in tasting and sharing together. Our next county we explored was Ireland. We listened to some traditional Irish jig music where we explored moving and dancing.

We then got very creative and made some Irish flags. We looked at the colours and the sequence on the flag and then created our own interpretations using paint and brushes. Our final country we explored was France. We used our love of building and stacking to create our own Eiffel Towers! We explored shape and space and enjoyed seeing how tall we could create our towers. Well done toddlers what a fun filled week of adventure!