This week in the baby room we finished off our light and dark topic by experimenting with colour. Our first experiment was in the sensory room where we used different coloured cellophane with torches. We added our sensory shapes and watched as the colours shine onto the white paper on the floor. We also looked at what happens as the colours mixed and changed as the cellophane and the shape colours changed to create new colours. We really enjoyed catching the light and colours on the floor while also having the opportunity to explore shape and work on our physical development through the different movements with the torches. Our second experiment was a large floor painting activity. We explored using our hands to create and make marks on the paper. This helped us to create new colours on the paper and experiment with the colours and texture as we played together. We loved our creative activity so much we created a Thanksgiving poster together using our handprints and the paint to represent how thankful we are for our friends.