Edible Play

Edible Play

This week in toddler room we used our senses to explore different types of edible play. For our first activity we got creative with some edible paint made from yoghurt and food colouring. We enjoyed creating some lovely marks and drawings with our paint and were in awe of the bright colours and the changes that were made when we mixed them together. We also loved that we could explore the taste of the paint and get very messy. We then extended this by adding cornflour to yoghurt and food colouring to create some edible playdough. We helped pour and mix the yoghurt and cornflour together and watched how the texture changed. We then added some role play materials and utensils with our mixture so we could play together and do some pretend play. We enjoyed pretending to pat our cakes and talked about our own baking experiences from home “make cake with mummy”, “Cake in the oven”. This was a really lovely reflection and play time. For our final activity we crushed some cereal to create edible sand. We added animals and blocks to the sand and we enjoyed creating some marks and making our people crunch and jump in the sand. Overall we really enjoyed the sensory aspects of edible materials and enjoyed adding different materials to them. Great job toddlers!