Down in the Jungle
This week in the baby room we have been learning about wild animals, particularly animals that live in the jungle. To start our week we looked at animal prints and got creative with glue to male our beautiful animal collages. We used our gross and fine motor skills to pinch and pick up the different prints and pat them down onto the paper, we also spread the glue on the paper with glue spreaders. To continue this we explored a jungle themed tuft tray filled with lots of different natural objects and animals. We really enjoyed listening to the sounds the different animals made as they stomped and moved around the tray. We explored different textures in the tray through the different natural objects and enjoyed the heuristic aspects as well.
To conclude our week we became part of the “Down in the Jungle” song, role playing the different animals in the songs with masks and colourful tops. We really enjoyed washing our clothes in the bubbly water and hanging them to dry.