Can We Fix it! (1)

Can We Fix it!

This week preschool has shown a big interest in building and different construction materials. To extend on the children’s interest we decided to build our own construction site with the builders blocks, shaving foam to represent cement and different builders tools to help them build. The children got to feel the sensory experience of the shaving foam and enjoyed using this to help them stack their blocks together. The children used various tools and were able to correctly name them as they were using the tools to help them build their house. To extend the children also enjoyed using duplo lego as another form of construction play to help build their house. The children were able to use the lego to stack different pieces and see which ones they were able to correctly stack and match. We then got the children to vote which house was going to be strong and majority of the children voted for the house built out of wooden blocks as they said “that house is very strong”.

Well done preschool you were amazing builders.