Beach Day

Beach Day

This week in the toddler room we took advantage of the lovely hot weather and explored summer. To do this we had a beach day in the room. We started with a beach texture tray that was filled with sand and jellybaff. We added sea animals, shells and buckets and spades to the tray. We really enjoyed building and molding with the sand and enjoyed creating sandcastles using our motor skills when handling the buckets. We also role played with the sea animals and learned their names. We learned “dolphin”, “shark”, “lobster” and “octopus”. While playing with these we were able to make links to our favourite stories like “Tiddler the story telling fish” And “Gilbert the Great” To further extend this in the garden we splashed in the paddling pool exploring filling and emptying with jugs and buckets and were able use the hose to fill up the pool. We also explored strengthening our motor skills by using spray bottles. We all had so much fun splashing and playing in the water, and it was a lovely way to keep cool.